The application of new technologies, applied to Reproductive Medicine, allows us, as in the case of the EmbryoScope, to keep a record of images and videos of your future baby from its biological beginnings. This pioneering technique allows embryo cell division to be viewed on a monitor in real time, capturing moments from the beginning of life and knowing when the ideal moment to make the transfer is.
EmbryoScope® is an incubator that uses time-lapse technology, as well as incorporating an algorithm that helps with embryo selection.
This pioneering technique allows embryo cell division to be recorded and viewed on a monitor in real time, capturing moments from the beginning of life. In addition, we have algorithms that allow us to handle more information to select the embryos with the greatest potential to implant in the womb.
The use of the EmbryoScope® incubator is recommended for:
90% of patients who undergo an assisted reproduction treatment at IVI become pregnant.
97% of our patients recommend IVI.
IVI provides personalised care and support during all stages of treatment.
IVI is a pioneer in the latest assisted reproduction technology in order to present the best results.
We are not the most expensive choice. We offer the most treatment options in order to achieve the best results.
Thanks to the advantages of EmbryoScope® during embryo culture and to mathematical models designed to analyse all the information it provides, we achieve between 10 and 20% higher probability of implantation than using conventional culture and selection techniques.
The conventional way of rating embryonic quality is for embryologists to extract embryo cultures every day from their respective incubators and, with the use of microscopes, to evaluate numerous morphological parameters (number of cells, symmetry, percentage of fragments, etc.). This way, they are assigned a quality grade, which allows them to identify the best embryos and thus select the best one to be transferred to the mother’s uterus.
In this sense, the definition of the “optimal embryo” (due to its greater potential for implantation) remains a relatively imprecise and highly subjective concept, and in our laboratories this is minimized thanks to highly specialized training and the experience of our embryologists.
EmbryoScope® time-lapse technology provides hugely valuable information allowing our professionals to select from a group of embryos the ones with the greatest potential to implant and lead to a full term pregnancy.
In addition, it enables us to explain those cases in which apparently good quality embryos do not implant. In these cases, we very often discover phenomena that would not have been detected without continuous monitoring, but thanks to time-lapse it can be distinguished.
Thus, whenever the case allows, IVI recommends prolonged embryo culture until day 5 or 6, as we trust our culture conditions and, this way, we get more information about each embryo’s potential, taking us one step closer to helping our patients achieve their dream to have a baby.
The definition of what represents a “perfect embryo” and the choice of those with the best potential for implantation are still very imprecise concepts, and the ability (or lack of ability) to estimate embryo competence correctly has become a critical point of the process. As a result, the selection options and strategies used will depend on all of the information that we can find out about the embryo.
The morphological and growth criteria which are currently used for evaluating embryo viability on day 3 either underestimate or overestimate their potential for development. In light of the uncertainty associated with the morphological examination on day 3, some reproduction centres have opted for a longer cultivation period for evaluating embryo competence. While the morphological examination method has the advantage of being simple, non-invasive and quick, it has the disadvantage of being highly subjective and requiring specialised training and a certain degree of experience, and there is little hope for its standardisation.