Nowadays we’ve all heard of BMI: the calculation based on weight and height that gives you a BMI ‘score’. Many of us probably have a rough idea of our own BMI and know whether we come somewhere in the range of normal. We mostly use this number to calculate if we are over or under… View Article
Back in 2015, over 157,000 children in Europe were born because of assisted reproduction technology techniques. Now in the early 2020s, we can be confident that the figure is even higher. Nevertheless, the lack of a Europe-wide monitoring agency means that we cannot quantify the figure exactly. The fact is that there is no Europe-wide… View Article
What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum ? Morning sickness is frequent experienced early in their pregnancy by the majority of women. This, though unpleasant and uncomfortable, is generally harmless to both mother and baby and normally goes away within 12 weeks. Hyperemesis gravidarum is something much more serious. It’s as different from ordinary morning sickness as an… View Article
Vaginal discharge is a normal part of life for women in their menstruating years. It can be an important indication of your general health. It can also be a useful signal about which stage of the menstrual cycle you are in. We are all familiar with the bright red of menstrual bleeding. However, you may… View Article
The role of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in stimulating the ovaries in women as a part of the monthly menstrual cycle is quite well known. However, FSH is important for both men and women. It is one of the gonadotrophins, the other being Luteinising Hormone, (LH), so called because they stimulate the gonads. In men,… View Article
When can you find out the sex of the baby? For many prospective parents, this is one of the most thrilling parts of pregnancy. However, others prefer not to know until the day of birth. For a minority, it is not so much a matter of curiosity and anticipation as a medical necessity to know… View Article
The 9th edition of the IVIRMA Congress finishes, after five days in which the best researchers in Assisted Reproduction have presented the latest findings in the field, in an online format due to the pandemic situation. With a more interactive and looking for dynamic formats, the congress has offered different debates, conducted by experts, on… View Article
Women’s delay becoming mothers due to demographic and socioeconomic factors, is a topic of maximum interest now in reproductive medicine, as ovarian ageing is becoming an increasingly common cause of infertility. With age, eggs decrease in quality and quantity, often leading to reproductive problems. In this context, Prof. Emre Seli has presented at the 9th… View Article
The 9th edition of the International Congress organized by IVIRMA Global, which is held every two years, will take place from Monday 15th to Friday 19th November. Considered a benchmark in the Assisted Reproduction sector, this edition will bring together more than 1,000 leading experts in the reproductive field. For the first time, the meeting… View Article
The 77th Congress of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has been held recently. This is one of the world’s largest encounters on Assisted Reproduction. On this occasion, for the second year running, the event was held virtually to preserve the health of all attendees. Among them, the best researchers and specialists in the… View Article