The Two-Week Wait symptoms day by day: is it possible to identify some signs before the result of your pregnancy test? After your embryo transfer, you face one of the most uncertain periods in fertility treatment: the Two-Week Wait. By this name, or alternatively beta-wait, we refer to the time that elapses between the transfer and the blood hormone test that will determine if you are pregnant.
This phase generates anxiety and mixed emotions because patients look for any sign that indicates they are pregnant. The truth is, however, that these symptoms do not necessarily occur, as we will see below. Some women feel absolutely nothing. Today, we talk about the Two-Week Wait Symptoms day by day. What are they? Do all women experience them?
What is the Two-Week Wait?
In fertility treatment, the specialist sets the date for the blood pregnancy test which is usually performed between 9 and 14 days after the embryo transfer or artificial insemination, depending on various factors. Therefore, the two-week wait varies for each patient.
Thus, we are talking about the time span that a woman must wait to know for sure if she is pregnant. Specialists advise against using home urine tests because their reliability is not guaranteed. They can fail and lead to a false positive or a false negative, with the emotional impact that this has on patients.
In a natural pregnancy, it is also advisable to wait for 14 DPO or simply take a test when the absence of a period is detected. What does DPO mean? These initials, common among women seeking pregnancy, stand for days past ovulation, that is, the days that have passed after ovulation. In a 28-day cycle, 14 DPO is the date when the period should start or pregnancy should be confirmed.
Two-Week wait symptoms
We must insist that not all women experience early pregnancy symptoms. Some symptoms may occur without necessarily being a sign of pregnancy, due to the effect of hormones. But we know well that most women look for pregnancy symptoms after ovulation day by day, obviously. The pursuit of pregnancy generates emotional ups and downs that are sometimes difficult to manage.
However, here is a list of some two-week wait symptoms day by day that could possibly reflect signs of pregnancy.
- Increased sensitivity, swelling, or discomfort in the breasts
- Abdominal pains or discomfort similar to menstrual cramps
- Light implantation bleeding, which can be confused with the onset of the period
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
Another question that arises is how soon can you feel pregnancy symptoms after ovulation? The answer is the same as we have already given. In the case of having early pregnancy symptoms, each woman may notice them at a specific time, just as each pregnancy is different and manifests itself in a unique way.
Implantation bleeding
Let us now for a moment focus on this symptom, as it creates special confusion among patients. This is a consequence of implantation that can seem like the start of menstruation, therefore causing frustration for many women.
One out of three pregnant women experiences this. This slight spotting is due to the highly vascularized endometrium at the time of implantation, and that’s why small blood vessels sometimes break. There is no need to be alarmed or confuse it with menstruation. This bleeding lasts between one and two days and its color is pink or brownish, different from that of the period.
5 tips to cope with the beta-wait
The two-week wait will undoubtedly feel like the longest days of your life. Here are some tips to prepare yourself and cope with it in the best possible way:
- Maintain a positive attitude. Consider yourself pregnant until the blood test says otherwise.
- Follow a healthy diet and avoid bad habits, such as drinking or smoking. You know that alcohol and fertility do not go hand in hand.
- Distract your mind with enjoyable activities that you like and that help you relax.
- Share all your doubts with the medical team. Lack of information or internet searches will not help you.
- Lean on your support system, share your feelings, and enjoy moments of escape with them.
The general recommendation is to wait for the beta test to know if you are pregnant. Many symptoms are confusing, and a significant number of women barely notice anything. Therefore, the blood hormone analysis will give you the definitive answer.
Remember that at IVI, we are by your side, even during the beta-wait. Contact your medical team for any anomalies or doubts that may arise.
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