In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the process by which egg and sperm are brought together in the laboratory to form an embryo. This is later transferred to a woman’s uterus to develop into a baby in the normal way. For many people, that broad-brush description is as far as their knowledge needs to go. But… View Article
There are many aspects of frozen embryo transfer which are different to fresh transfer, as well as many similarities. In this article, we aim to explain some of the differences between these two well-established assisted reproduction techniques. These include differences in the hormonal medication protocols involved and the choices available to the patient for the… View Article
The current global pandemic, coupled with the collapse of health care, is forcing people to postpone the desire to have children in the face of widespread uncertainty. This is already reflected in many countries, which have recorded a drop in the birth rate in 2020 and expect an even more drastic drop in 2021. In… View Article
International Women’s Day (IWD) has always had a dual function: to challenge injustice and gender inequality on the one hand, and on the other, to celebrate the achievements and successes of women the world over. The date to mark in your calendar is 8 March. Each year the event has a different theme and this… View Article
Vasectomy is a simple surgical procedure that a man can have as a permanent form of birth control. It works by cutting off the supply of sperm to your semen so that even though you still ejaculate normally, there are no sperm present and so you cannot make someone pregnant. Because of its permanent nature,… View Article
If you’re thinking and hoping that you’re pregnant, it can come as an unwelcome surprise to have what may appear to be the start of your period. But all is not lost! It’s possible that what you mistake for menstruation bleeding is in fact implantation bleeding, also called implantation spotting (as it’s not such a… View Article
Covid-19 has caused almost 100 million cases and more than 2 million deaths worldwide since it appeared. The United States is the country hardest hit by the pandemic, but Europe is at the centre of the third wave in early 2021. The truth is, since it started, Covid-19 has continued to raise all kinds of… View Article
If you have a heart shaped uterus, also known as a bicornuate uterus, it means that you were born with a uterus in which the two sides did not completely fuse together as they normally do. In a heart shaped uterus, the two sides are joined at the lower end, but the top has an… View Article
Sexually transmitted diseases can have an impact not only on your general health and of course your sex life. But they can also affect your future fertility. Anyone who is sexually active needs to be aware of what sexually transmitted diseases are, and how best to avoid them. In our blog article, we set out… View Article
When we talk about the female reproductive system, we tend to say that a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. This is essentially true, but the fact is that, at the time a girl is born, and even before birth while she is still in the womb, the eggs in… View Article