Each ovary contains a variable number of ovarian follicles, and every one of those follicles contains one immature egg, or oocyte. Among all the follicles with oocytes growing inside, only one or maybe two will grow and develop completely, maturing and being released as an egg during the process called ovulation. Although an ovarian… View Article
Yes, no, probably, probably not, maybe, maybe not, it depends. Why? As with many interesting questions, the answer to this one depends on what comes next, and what came before. Tubal ligation is intended to be a permanent form of contraception but very few things are perfect, and we all know that circumstances can… View Article
What is the magic moment when a pregnancy truly begins? How do we know that a new life is about to develop and grow? Many of us assume it is the moment when a female egg is met by a male sperm and fertilisation takes place. But this is not quite accurate, nor is… View Article
A study published by the European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE) contains the stark statistic that 25 million EU citizens, or one in six couples, experience some form of infertility. The reasons for this are a complex weave of social, economic and medical factors but the fact remains that for each and every individual making… View Article
In Fertility Month, IVI shares the pillars on which its success is based The cumulative rate after three attempts at in vitro fertilization and egg donation is very close to 100%. Ensuring patient safety at every step, achieving the impossible, investing in cutting-edge research and learning to control time in order to have the best… View Article
IVF with donated eggs is the most successful fertility treatment available and has brought the joy of parenthood to many women and couples who would otherwise be facing infertility. It is one of the most altruistic acts that a woman can do to make a huge difference to the life of another woman. How exactly… View Article
The Global Day of Parents, or Parents’ Day as we know it, was introduced by the United Nations to honour parents all over the world for their lifelong commitment to nurturing the relationship and to raising the new generation. “Don’t we already have a Mothers’ Day and a Fathers’ Day?” you may ask. “Do we… View Article
Measuring the temperature before entering the clinic, providing masks and marking safety distances in the clinic are some of the safety measures taken in our assisted reproduction clinics All our laboratories are prepared to work with type 2 infectious agents, such as SARS-CoV-2 so there is no risk in this area. Many of you… View Article
Tubal ligation is intended to be a permanent method of female contraception, so no-one should have the procedure done without very careful consideration. But as we know, none of us have a crystal ball to see into the future. Things can change as a result of life events, new relationships, or simply a change of… View Article
Having made the momentous decision to consult a fertility treatment centre, the first reassurance you need is that the clinic is accredited by the relevant regulating bodies. You will of course also be asking questions like, what is the fertility treatment success rate of my chosen clinic? But this is not the full story. Does… View Article