For anyone hoping to become pregnant, time can move slowly and days dominate the calendar. We’ve all been told not to wish the time away, but in reality, between the approximate time of ovulation and when your next period is due, it can be very difficult not to wish that the clock would speed up,… View Article
The best-known and most obvious cause of declining female fertility is age, with women’s peak fertility age being during their 20s, and quite a steep decline follows after the age of 35. However there are other causes which can accelerate or exacerbate the natural process of declining fertility. Among these are injuries to the fallopian… View Article
How our bodies function and the changes that occur, both over the years and through the monthly cycle, are always interesting. Never more so than when we are, or are hoping to be, pregnant. There’s almost certainly never a time when we monitor physical phenomena as closely and minutely as when we are hoping to… View Article
Whether you are a woman taking precautions to prevent pregnancy or someone hoping to conceive, the question of fertility seems to be always there in the background. The issue of when a female is most fertile has two aspects. Firstly, there is the point in your monthly menstrual cycle when you are most likely to… View Article
The decision to try for a baby can feel like a momentous moment in your life, whether for an individual or couple. When the desired pregnancy fails to materialise, we can feel surprised, let down and worried, especially when we have probably spent a significant amount of time taking precautions to prevent an unplanned pregnancy… View Article
In this article we intend to offer a broad-brush summary of what options may be available to people with concerns about their own or their partner’s fertility and who may be considering fertility treatment or infertility treatment. Inevitably a quick overview summary cannot cover any one of the fertility treatments in depth but for those… View Article
For anyone, being diagnosed with a serious illness is a major life event in itself, inevitably accompanied by fears and uncertainties about the future. For a woman who has not started or completed her family and wishes to do so, an added burden may be the knowledge that the necessary treatment could itself cause… View Article
In Vitro Fertilisation has been part of the medical and social landscape for 40 years, and even though it is a familiar concept, we don’t always know what it means. In this article we get back to basics and set out the definition of IVF in straightforward terms and explain exactly what is involved in… View Article
For a significant part of every woman’s life, and for men too, understanding how to know if you’re infertile or fertile, and if so at which times, is a burning question. This applies equally for those who wish to avoid pregnancy, at least for the time being, and to those who would like to… View Article
In the forty years since the in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) assisted reproduction technique was first successfully carried out, there have been many very significant developments and refinements of the method. One of the most important of these is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, known as ICSI. This has enabled pregnancy to be achieved successfully in couples diagnosed with… View Article