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Implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage

Implantation failure refers to the impossibility of achieving pregnancy after transferring 2 euploid embryos or after transferring 4 blastocysts.
Recurrent miscarriage is diagnosed when there are 2 or more gestational losses before the 24th week of pregnancy.

Steps to follow

If either of these is your case, at IVI we can tackle it with two complementary studies; diagnostic study –with an evaluation of your personal and family history– and  therapeutic study –with a series of ultrasound, genetic and blood tests.

Diagnostic study

Diagnostic study

Therapeutic study

Therapeutic study

Implantation failure

There are many different causes of implantation failure and it can be due to different maternal factors such as uterine anomalies, hormonal and/or metabolic alterations, and immunological aspects such as thrombophilias.

Approximately 5% of women undergoing Assisted Reproduction treatment do not achieve a pregnancy despite having transferred more than two euploid and/or good quality embryos.

Implantation failure includes a negative pregnancy test, as well as biochemical pregnancies, in which there is a positive pregnancy test, but a sac is never observed inside the uterus because the pregnancy stops before this stage.

Numerous treatments are now available to help reduce the incidence of implantation failure such as surgical procedures to correct any uterine or pelvic factors, immunotherapy, administration of anticoagulant drugs and/or preimplantation genetic testing.


Recurrent miscarriage

Most miscarriages occur arbitrarily when an embryo receives the wrong number of chromosomes during fertilisation. This genetic problem occurs by chance as there is no medical condition that causes it.

Antiphospholipid syndrome as an autoimmune disease and the presence of congenital abnormalities in the uterus such as a uterine septum are conditions strongly linked to repeat miscarriage.

To help you find the cause of a repeat miscarriage, our medical professionals will perform as detailed an evaluation as possible of your medical history and previous pregnancies. It is also important to do a complete physical examination and analytical tests to detect possible alterations in the immune system.
If possible, it is sometimes important to analyse the chromosomal load of the embryo that is being expelled. In this way we will be able to know if it is chromosomally normal or not.

Anticoagulant drugs such as heparin can be taken throughout pregnancy. This treatment helps to increase pregnancy rates in the presence of this condition.

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