The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that every year more than 20 million babies are born weighing less than 2,500 grams, many of them coming into the world in developing countries. For many years it was believed that reproductive treatments were related to low birth weight babies, but a recent study carried out at IVI… View Article
For anyone considering any kind of fertility treatment, it can be difficult to untangle exactly what each kind of assisted reproduction technique entails. How does each intervention technique work? What is in vitro fertilisation (IVF)? How much does artificial insemination cost and what is involved? Which might be the most suitable treatment for you or… View Article
They only need to ensure that they are in optimal health for conception. For them, a healthy and varied diet is the simplest way to balance hormones to get pregnant.
Menopause is defined as the complete absence of periods for 12 months and as we know, the menopause is when a woman ceases to be fertile. The average age at which this occurs in the US is 51, but women can start being menopausal at age 40 to 50. But, in fact, what most of us think of as the menopause, or being menopausal, is actually the period of transition between the normal fertile years and the menopause itself. This is known as the perimenopause, meaning ‘around menopause’ or premenopause, which is the time that fertility starts to decline – although there may be few symptoms.
Once you’ve made the momentous decision to seek help with a fertility problem, you’re going to be faced with the many questions, judgements and decisions that follow. First and foremost for many people is, of course, ‘What is the best infertility clinic near me?’
For people who are at that point in their lives when they are actively intending to become pregnant, it’s easy to forget that 85% of couples will not experience any problems at all. For this fortunate majority, as long as they have regular sex, the woman will be pregnant within one year. But having taken that momentous decision, a year may seem like an age, and many women are keen to know how to get pregnant with the least possible delay.
Trying to become pregnant is inevitably a time of heightened hopes and fears. Hopes focus on images of a happy and contented pregnancy followed by a trouble-free birth and that magical moment when you hold your own baby in your arms. But fears are never far away either, and these can centre on general health and whether the time is right but above all on the prospect of infertility and whether infertility treatment will be necessary. Even those who already have a child could well be aware that secondary infertility is more common than primary infertility, their fears intensifying accordingly.
The term amniocentesis is derived the Latin amnion, the membrane that forms the protective sac around a growing embryo, and the Greek kentesis meaning to puncture or to prick. This accurately describes the amniocentesis definition of the insertion of a needle through the amnion in order to extract a small amount of amniotic fluid…. View Article
Do you know what happens when you have a hysterosalpingogram or about the significance of your AMH levels? More importantly, how much do you know about the ever-increasing options for fertility treatments now available? The majority of men and women who decide to start a family never have to think about these issues. But the… View Article
The difference between primary and secondary infertility is that in the case of secondary infertility, the sufferer has already had a child or even children. Primary infertility is the inability to conceive or to carry a pregnancy to term in the first place. Quite often, the causes are similar. Whatever the cause, experiencing primary or secondary infertility can be surprising, bewildering and a cause for very real distress and grief.