Getting pregnant at 40 is a common concern we encounter at IVI. Sometimes people wonder if it is even possible. The simple answer is yes, although it can be more difficult. It’s a fact of nature that fertility declines as the years go by. There does come a point in a woman’s life when natural… View Article
The decision to discontinue the use of contraceptive pills is a significant step in the lives of many women. Whether they are ready to conceive a child or exploring alternative birth control options, stopping contraceptive pills can raise questions and concerns. One of the primary concerns that often arise is how this change will affect… View Article
Spain stands out among other European countries due to the difference in regulations surrounding egg donation. While donors in other countries may not be granted anonymity, it is a requirement in Spain. Patients who use donated eggs or sperm in Spain may never know the name or any other identifying particulars about the donor. This… View Article
How to increase anti mullerian hormone levels naturally? If you’ve been diagnosed with low AMH levels, you may be wondering this. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer as each patient will have unique needs. However, there are various natural methods. Throughout this article, we will explore how to raise your antimüllerian hormone levels. What are anti mullerian… View Article
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men worldwide (aged 15 to 35 years). Movember is the global initiative celebrated every year in this month to raise awareness about testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and men’s mental health. Today, we discuss the impact of testicular cancer on male fertility. To what extent is it… View Article
IVIRMA Global has been present once again at the ASRM conference, which took place in New Orleans from October 14 to 18. This event is a global benchmark in the field of assisted reproduction, and IVIRMA Global presented 37 studies during the conference, one of which received the Poster Prize Award. The common goal of these… View Article
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is probably the most well-known process in assisted reproduction. This is the technique that helps us to achieve fertilization between the egg and sperm in order to obtain embryos in the laboratory. It may generate many doubts, mainly due to lack of knowledge. However, in this article, we will detail how… View Article
Chlamydia is an insidious disease, often called the “silent killer” due to its lack of outward symptoms. Infected persons can go for weeks, months, or even years without knowing that they have contracted this Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). They may continue to spread it, unaware that they even have it. This leads to an increasing… View Article
When a woman embarks on the journey to motherhood through reproductive medicine, eggs play a crucial role in the future success of treatment. That’s why, in this article, we discuss egg quality, what causes poor quality, signs of bad egg quality, and potential measures to improve it. What Is egg quality? When we talk about… View Article
What is a septate uterus? Unless you have a medical background, you may struggle for a definition. You may assume that it has something to do with infection because the word is similar to sepsis or septic, but this is not the case. The word comes from septum, which is simply a tissue dividing two chambers, such as those found in the heart or the middle of the nose. A septate uterus is therefore a uterus which is divided into two by a septum.